JDBC Driver Install

JDBC driver installation is similar to that of SWT package. To give your application the ability to install JDBC drivers, add this program into your application package. In addition, add the following code in an appropriate place. Note that most JDBC drivers may not use DLL files. If they use, add for each DLL file.

    // If SWT is not installed, then install it!
    if (!SwtJdbcInstaller.isJarInstalled("myjdbc???.jar")) {
       String ospath = ""; // stored at the root path!
       SwtJdbcInstaller.installDllFile(ospath, "myjdbc-???-????.DLL"); // if exists!
       SwtJdbcInstaller.installJarFile(ospath, "myjdbc???.jar");

To prepare deployable JAR files of your applications, perform the followings;

  • Copy the JDBC JAR file and DLL files (if exists) to the root directory or your choice directory accordingly.
  • Create your application JAR file to include these jar files.